The hydrolat from Un MAS en PROVINCE

I just tried a hydrolat from “un MAS en PROVENCE” for the first time. Discover what a hydrolat is here and what it is good for..
You might not be familar with what a Hydrolat is, so I’m going to explain it to you in a few words..
A “hydrolat” is the water you obtain from the distillation of a plant with water vapor.
The plant that is used can be an aromatic plant so you’ll obtain essential oil in parallel…the hydrolat becomes an aromatherapy product…but less strong than an essential oil in itself because it is less concentrated.
How can you use the hydrolat?
You can use it in your daily beauty routine: In the morning and evening as a toning lotion for example…after cleansing the face and before applying the cream. The goal is to obtain the benefits from the “hydrolat” and to refresh yourself.
But a hydrolat can also be used in other ways, for example: to replace tap water to cleanse your skin or rinse your hair. To
replace tap water to make masks from powders. This is to avoid limescale or chlorine residues that can irritate the skin.
I have tried the lavendar hydrolat from Un MAS de PROVENCE…
It is excellent and smells fantastic.
It should be good to cure headaches, insomnia…and work as a natural antiseptic on the skin and effective against insect bites, body aches etc. You can spray a little on the pillow, it provides a restful sleep.
The Verbena Hydrolat
Its name refers to the branches of laurel or olive tree.
Verbena was a sacred plant for acts of necedition and purification in ancient times. It should be good to relieve inflammation, to treat difficult digestion and stomachaches, be good as an anti-stress cure, good against insect piquires, atopic skin (type of eczema), solar erythema and chapped skin. I love the feeling on the skin…it becomes so soft.
I really like the brand un MAS en PROVENCE because of their completely transparent concept!! The owner produces the perfume plants himself (verbena, lavender, immortelle, lavandin, lemon balm, etc.) on his farm and controls the entire production chain.
The place is open to the public, so you can see how your perfume or hydrolat is being made, in great respect for the environment. You’ll also get a direct contact with the producers, so if you have any questions you can get your anwsers…and you can see the materialization of the stages of manufacture of an organic product, while passing by the process of distillation, the essential oils in a typical Provençal farmhouse.
I think this total transparency is great. Found out more on their website.