Re-boost your skin with an Oxy beauty treatment

Did you also remark all the imperfections on your skin? The gray tone, the lack of shine, the small wrinkles and even appearing acne for some… The side effects of a cold winter, a damaging sun, age or a sensitive skin. I certainly did remark some lack of shine.. so I tested this revolutionary and luxurious face-treatment, that many Hollywood stars are using…
The Oxygen Infusion treatment – What is it?
The oxygen infusion treatment is a 100% natural approach to aesthetic care. A non-invasive and totally painless treatment. The treatment is already used and known by many Hollywood stars such as Madonna, George Clooney and others, but insure yourself, it is anti-Botox.
How does it work?
A serum consisting of only natural and active ingredients is being filled into a special applicator (see picture).
The applicator ´pen´ is connected to an oxygen concentrator, that generates a 3 barres pressure and makes it possible to create soft micro bubbles of oxygen on the surface of the skin.
These oxygen bubbles kind of ´carries´the Intraceuticals serum into the deepest layers of the skin and provides it with vitamins, antioxidants and other active ingredients (depending on which Intraceutrical serum is chosen). It ensures hydration of the intracellular matrix and regeneration of the skin.
Each persons skin is different. So depending on weather your skin is starting to reveal wrinkles, dark circles, gray tones or just dryness, an adapted serum is chosen to suit your needs.
It is applied to your face, neck, cleavage and hands to protect, rehydrate and treat your skin. during the four seasons.
I tested the Oxygen infusion treatment in Paris
In the 9th month of pregnancy I certainly do look tired and my skin is red and in complete lack of shine. So I decided to test the Oxygen infusion treatment…
After only one hour of treatment – on the same day as the above picture was taken – this is how my face looked without any makeup on…
The Oxy beauty institute in Paris
One treatment costs 230€ and is already making a difference…but if you want true results you´ll need 6 sessions within a few months.
6 sessions costs 1200€, but right now there is an offer: 990€ for 6 sessions + a package full creams adapted to your skin.
Find it at the Oxy beauty institute in Paris:
3, rue Tronchet 75008 PARIS 6th floor
Tél : +33 (0)1 40 06 91 91