Playing in the radio with Jean Louis Aubert

A random thursday night, I was invited into the studio of radio DTC in Paris to sing some of my songs live. I´ve been writing / singing my songs since I was 14 and been performing them at different occasions around the world. Tonight´s biggest surprise was that I was going to sing with the french rock icon Jean Louis Aubert – who with his earlier band “telephone” has been performing at several Rolling Stones concerts in Paris! Now he is out with a new album…and at that occasion we got to sing together in the french radio DTC…
Article by Julie Johansen
It was an amazing evening filled with great, spontaneous and surprising moments! We talked about Denmark: my home-country and my songs…. and then Jean-Louis Aubert arrived and presented his new album…
Another sing-and-song writer and dane, Christoffer Dahl Siv, had also been invited… and at one moment Jean Louis Aubert looked at us and said “Let´s play the three of us… we´ll improvise on the guitar and Julie you´ll take the lead on the song“… That´s how a new song was made… right there…live in the radio!
And while I presented my own songs… Jean Louis Aubert did the back-up voice… You can soon hear the pod-cast live here… or follow me on Facebook – “Juliet Jones”…
Below you can hear one of my songs… and while I´m dreaming of being signed for an album you can follow me here… hopefully it is just the beginning…