Copenhagen to Oslo mini cruise

The Copenhagen – Oslo mini cruise: 24 hours perfect mini vacation. I tried it for the first time and loved it.
I went onboard in Nordhavn in Copenhagen at 1pm.
My commendore room with view over the sea and free wifi was already available, so I went there directly. I couldn’t wait to explore my room and the rest of the boat.
The bed was super comfortable, the view over the sea was amazing, and the bathroom perfectly suitable for 2 people.
The sun was shining so I hurried up to the deck with the bar. I sat down at one of the tables to enjoy the great view during the departure.
At 3pm the ferry left Copenhagen. The departure in itself was a fantastic experience : with sun in the hair, wine in the glass and an amazing view to the new expensive appartements in Copenhagen…and then over the sea.
After a while, i continued downstairs to check out the pool. I didn’t go in though.
Instead I went to the VIP lounge upstairs which I absolutely recommend: free drinks, coffee, cake and games. I had a great time there.
At around 19h30 I went to one of the great restaurants onboard, the 7 seas.
I had asked for a table with front view and it was definitely worth it.
The buffet was of a great quality with a great variety of meat, seafood etc. It was delicious. Also the wine.
After dinner, I went upstairs and enjoyed the sound of the boat that advanced over the small waves…and the infinive dark sea.
Next day we arrived in Oslo.
Unfortunately the weather wasn’t the best, but the view to the Norwegian shore was stunning…and it takes some time before you acually reach Oslo, so I had plenty of time to enjoy the great breakfast buffet…
In Oslo we had about 5 hours: enough time to explore the best hot spots…
In the evening we could enjoy a great dinner buffet again..
And a cocktail, before going back to sleep..
I looooved the Copenhagen – Oslo cruise! If you want to try it too, you can book it here.