Christmas choir in the Parisian metro

When talking about luxury, the definition of luxury often comes down to a few things that most of us can agree on. One of them is the rare. For homeless people I guess it´s rare going to a christmas concert. So this is why the christmas choir: Le choeur de Noël dans le métropolitain during the month of November is traveling with the Parisian metro, singing christmas carols, to bring love into the homes of those without any! I thought it was a fantastic idea and joined the choir…
Article and videos by Julie Johansen
During the month of December we will be singing in the Parisian metro…to bring hope and happiness…
Next time will be on saturday…18h…around metro Opera…
All the best christmas wishes to you….and don´t forget to give money to the homeless when you pass by…
You can make a difference…
“If you wanna make the world a happier place.. take a look at yourself and make a change” – Michael Jackson