A personal trainers best fitness-advices

During fashion in Paris I met Daniel from Germany, personal trainer. He has been training models from all over the world – including models from Elite Models, EQ and Model management Agency. By developing their personal training program he has helped them reach their goals. Here are some of his advises:
It was almost noon. I jumped into my training suit and met Daniel for a run in the Champ de Mars garden next to the Eiffel Tower. He taught me a few exercises and told be about his work and experiences as a personal fitness-trainer.
Daniel said:
“Many people that I work with want to loose weight or become more fit. They start exercising, but if they don´t see the expected results right away they get demotivated and stop again!
My advice to these people is to set reasonable goals, to take the time needed and never quit: because they CAN succeed – but it requires a change, will and reluctance!
They will have to do the exercise – no one else can do it for them. Sometimes it is quite tough, because it´s not easy to change a habit. The good news is that once people get started and integrate sport and healthier eating habits in their daily routine most of the results happens by themself.
I tell the people I work with not to plan too many sessions per week to start with, but to stick to 3 times a week… It is better to start up slowly and succeed in the long run, than wanting too much to begin with, and stop after 2 weeks because it´s to much of a change. New habits have to replace the old ones.
It is always good to talk to people, who will support you, about your mission. Try to avoid skeptic people who are only questioning your wish to change. They won´t be any good in this situation, because you will need the extra drive to succeed. Contrary their questions might leave you with a doubt – do you really want to change? If you stick to your old routines your surroundings will feel comfortable: fell like they know “the good old you” again, and that is what THEY are comfortable with – but it will not make you progress, and isn´t that what YOU wanted? Positive thinking is essential. Acknowledge that you are on your way, and all the time a little closer, to your final goal.
I always tell people to find other relatives with the same ambitions or passions – in order to have someone to share it with – and motivate each other.
Some people associate sport with hard work and spend hours in the fitness-center each day – but it doesn´t have to be so. The easiest way to integrate sport in your life, Is by finding something that you´re really passionate about – then there is a bigger change that you will actually to it and stay motivated! It can be yoga, boxing, running, dancing, football, baseball, badminton…you name it.
You can even integrate exercise in your daily routines by taking the bike to work instead of the car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, clean your house etc.
Most of it we already know, but do not do it!
My main point is: everyone can evaluate their lifestyle: think about which habits need to be changed? (Do you exercise often enough? Do you eat the right things? Do you eat more than you are able to digest? Do you eat when you are sad or stressed out instead of dealing with your feelings? Try to figure out what need to be changed and TRY TO CHANGE IT!
Sometimes it is difficult to get started by yourself – so once you have decided that it is something you really what to do, you can take professional help and start now instead of pushing the ambition in front of you.”
I nodded. We stopped running for a moment and did some exercises while Daniel told me a story about a man who changed:
“I once did a personal program for the owner of an international model agency. He called me in order to help him change his habits and lifestyle. During the last couple of years he had gained over 15 kg without really noticing it. He had been more aware of the models around him and had forgotten to focus on his own habits and weight. One day he was so stressed out that he felt that something in his life had to be changed, especially if he wanted to keep up the good work. He wanted to be healthy, fit and sexy again.
So we started his transformation towards a mentally and physically stronger lifestyle. It is important to work on both levels.
To begin with I made sure that he was truly up for a change, and ready to invest the required time in it. It should not just be a momentary idea, but the priority in his life over the next few months! Otherwise we wouldn´t succeed.
After seeing his motivation we started writing down some reachable goals. His goals quickly became my goals – in order for me to support him during the period of working together. I was going to give a 100% to achieve it – so that is what I want to see from him as well.
He started with a routine of: 1-hour of workout – 3 times a week – at 7 o´clock in the morning, before going to work. We had fun, but also a hard training-program. He started to love it and understood the importance of involving sport in the daily life.
He lost 20 kg
Before his life didn´t include any kind of sports – today he can´t live without it. He seems to have found an inner balance again.”
Afterwards I asked Daniel what luxury is to him?
He said:
“To me the luxurious life is not a question of owing a lot of expensive material things – it is first of all about having a body in balance: meaning being mentally and physically strong – and reacting the point where you feel able to obtain whatever you wish for.
A luxurious life begins with: knowing whom you are, what you want, and being truly confident and happy. Once you have reached that body-balance, I would say you are have already reached a good part in living a luxurious life.
If those who represent luxury – such as the models in the luxury world – do not feel good about themselves, they won´t shine on the outside – and shining in the inside is to me an essential part of luxury.
I trained a lot of Models and I love to see people shine. I am proud too see their progress and great results. “
Personally I had an amazing time during this fitness-session – Daniel showed me that fitness can be great fun:
A little funny video… illustrating that, I am also trying to learn from this.. he he…