Sound of the season, Party in Paris

Sound of the season´s after show party took place at the Opera Rouge in Paris 02.03.13. It was a night out for the fashionable people in an ambiance of electronic music. Grab the atmosphere from the party here.
Article and pictures by Julie Johansen
The party took place within the luxurious frames of Opera Rouge
At Place jacques rouché in Paris.
The staff did´t open the bar until 11.30pm though It said 10.00pm in the program… but I guess it was calculated because people didn´t arrive until around that hour anyway.
At 01.00Am they turned up the sound of electronic music and that is when party really got started!!!
Fashion people at the party
Louis-Marie de Castelbajac – runway fashion photographers – some people from the KCD PR-Agency – plus a crowd of fashionable people! All having a good time!
And the party went on all night…getting better and better for each hour!