Sensation Spa in paris, time for relaxation

What is better than taking time off to spoil yourself with a professional massage? This is the place..
Last week I took time to do so. In a busy everyday life, where work is often on the top of the to do list, and family, friends and children requires attention too…where personal projects keeps us running…then how much time is left for yourself and relaxation? Not much in many´s cases. Personally I also forget it. So last week I went for 2 hours massage and spa, and remembered how fantastic it is!!!
In the 7th arrondissement you´ll find the Sensation Spa – at 8 Villa de Saxe. A fantastic peaceful place. Here I went for 2 hours creative massage (a massage adapted after the person´s need) followed by relaxation in the outdoor sauna…Amazing!!
From the couch I could see out in the wonderful little garden with flowers, fountain and sauna.. the perfect environment for relaxation..
Then I closed my eyes, and for 1h50 I was in paradise. The massager was incredibly professional. For every little pressure I could feel that she knew how to get rid of stress, tension and all of the everyday worries… when I opened my eyes again, I felt completely if all of my energy had been released and now was ready to float effortless through my body again…fantastic.
After the wonderful massage the woman coached me in how to improve my lifestyle to avoid future tensions: She said that a little meditation everyday is important to let go of all the speculations we carry around: about work, family, love and our life in general. She told me that it is important to listen to our body and say no to people that demands to much.
Afterwards I went into the sauna to relax…it was nice to enjoy the calm…
Then the woman showed me around…to see the other rooms. At Sensation Spa you can get private sport, yoga and coaching sessions which takes place in this beautiful room…
And in the Hammam, Sauna and Jacuzzi you can enjoy time by yourself, with your friends or with your loved one, while getting a glass of champagne…
I can only recommend you too take time off to spoil yourself as well… if you wish too, you can book via their website > Sensation Spa Paris [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]