The secrets behind Fauchon Paris

I had the chance to interview the talented pastry chef and kitchen chef behind the world famous luxury brand Fauchon Paris. They reveal some of the secrets behind Fauchon. Read about it here.
In the kitchen of Fauchon you´ll find: François Daubinet – the new Pastry Chef – and Sébastien Monceaux – Chef of the kitchens for 10 years.
Me: How would you define Fauchon?
Sébastien: “I would define it as: Avant-garde and precise in the taste, surprising and “daring”. It´s a French heritage“.
Me: What is Fauchon to you?
Sébastien: “It’s first and foremost a collaboration, not just between me and François, but also between us and the managers and the rest of the teams. Even with those from the marketing department. We follow the product from A – Z to ensure the coherence between the initial idea and the final product, also when it comes to the packaging: Nothing comes out in the stores without our agreement“.
Me: How do you keep being creative?
Sébastien: “The fact that the management is very supportive is key. It makes us advance and continue to be creative. When we feel that the management believe in us and trust our skills, we´ll find the drive to improve ourself and always do better. Michel Ducros (shareholder of the Fauchon) trust us and gives us responsibility. And working with the best craftsmen who deliver the best products is an important source of inspiration to us.”
Me: It was nice talking to you.
As the Founder of the company Auguste Fauchon once said when he created the company 139 years ago: “Being the best is being unique” and that´s exactly what Fauchon is…
Fauchon is an unique institution in France. When someone says Haute Couture you think Chanel, when someone says Paris you´ll think about the Eiffel Tower…and when someone talk about chocolate, you´ll think Fauchon! It´s high class luxury.
I love their universe… it makes you dream…
With its special pastries that represents the parisian woman, and reflects the artistic Fauchon universe…
When you walk into the store you´ll find colorful pastries and delicious macaroons…
Surrounded by the magical universe, the many tea flavors propose themselves to you as you walk by the shelves…
I like the apple flavor…it´s delicious…
These small pieces makes you forget about time and place for a while…
Inside the beautiful packaging you´ll find 4 kinds of chocolates: One with dark ganache, one with 28% toffee ganache, one with Maragogype coffee and one with 4% lemon peel.
The one with toffee is extremely good! My favorite.
In general I´m crazy about the Fauchon packaging: their many colors and artistic layout…
When you continue upstairs in the store more delicacies, gift boxes, wine and champagne can be find. Definitely worth a visit…
You owe yourself a visit at the store in PARIS – LA MADELEINE
30 place de la Madeleine
75008 PARIS
Find out more here.