New makeup collection from La Biosthetique

La Biosthetique just launched a new makeup collection for this Autumn / winter. I am absolutely crazy about it because…
Their colors are like always elegant and natural…like these 2 new autumn nail lacquers…
Look at it on! I love it. Super feminin and sofisticated…
So are the 3 new lipsticks! I was usually not using lipsticks very often…but that was until I tried the ones from La Biosthetique! I love how fabulous they look on…
They are never too much!! On the picture below I am wearing no. 403, the sweet chestnut…and I think it’s just perfect for autumn…
La Biosthetique also lauched this new green mascara. Seen like this it might appear a bit scary, but once you wear it it’s soft and doesn’t really appear green…just look at the picture above!
I also tried the new green and white eyeshadow pens…they give a perfect dusty look and a great finish when wearing them with the new eyeshadows..
On the picture below you can see the grey eyeshadow! It’s really discret and elegant…don’t you think?
And I think the stronger colors like the brown eyeshadow, green pen and pure orchid lipstick are perfect for a night out…
With this new makeup collection from La Biosthetique there is definitely something to play with…