Julien Fournié Haute Couture After Party

During Haute Couture fashion week in Paris I was invited to Julien Fournié´s after show party. This fashion designer has been crawling up the fashion latter in Paris. Each season I see him improve his designs and I become more and more fan of his work. This time, his after-show party took place at the Titty Twister close to the Champs Elysée in Paris.
The Titty Twister is a great little place that has turned into a spot for the smaller fashion parties.
Champagne was lined up when I arrived… The basis for a great fashion party…and so the party could start.
There was not a lot of people at the party to begin with, but slowly they started showing up…People rarely arrive in time in Paris 😉 But it was actually ok. A great occasion to talk to the fashion friends that I haven’t seen for a while.
The people attending the fashion shows and after parties are often people you´ve seen before..but not everyone familiar. And amongst them there are the people you become close with – a group of International friends that you can catch up with once each season, which is really fantastic.
From the outside it might seems like superficial connections – which it can be of cause, in some cases. But there are also the relationships that slowly grows into friendships and admiration of the others work.
I really admire the hard work of the designers, photographers, stylists, PRs for example. It is something you often don´t notice because you only see the final work: the show, the pictures… but behind it lies an impressive work and will to succeed.
It was nice to see everyone again. Thanks for a nice evening Julien Fournié.