CosmO´clock, V.I.P events in Paris

If you love the luxurious side of Paris, the company of interesting people and have a VIP profile, then you shouldn´t hesitate signing up for a membership at CosmO´clock events. This time the evening took place at le THB “Trés Honoré Bar” in Paris.
Article by Julie Johansen
“CosmO’Clock” was been created with the intension of bringing together the active world of beautiful people, executives, managers and key players in the economy.
A great network of VIPs who come together to exchange ideas and enjoy a cosmopolitan in luxurious surroundings.
Always a good atmosphere…
and the exhange of ideas and visit carts..
This time the event took place at Trés Honoré: A luxurious place in Paris…
If you wish to be invited for the next cosmO´Clock event in Paris you can sign up here (or at Facebook) :