Fashion week in Paris: Photo Exhibition

O.R.C.D Essence Magazine had invited me to the opening of their photo exhibition during fashion week… So I went to have a look, and discovered some really amazing art-works.
I talked to the two men behind the exhibition: Olivier Rieu and Cyril Deydier
What are your thoughts behind these art-pieces
Basically, these pieces are built up from a graphic picture taken by Olivier. Simple portraits.
Olivier Rieu is normally doing fashion shoots, luxury portraits etc. So we decided to turn all the speeches that normally is associated with luxury and fashion into pictures, while we try to keep an aesthetic part in the picture… We have created a sort of false magazine, that we have named: Essence Magazine. Essence has in French a double meaning: the essential of things or gasoline. (THE PICTURE BELOW IS REFERRING TO ALL THE THINGS THAT HAPPENS IN THE FASHION/ LUXURY INDUSTRY THAT CAN NOT BE TOLD)
We have invented sarcastic headlines that we hope will influence the audience and make them react.
We work in the streets to find things that correspond to the poster we have created…after that we glue it all together and thereby create an unique urban poster – that´s our final work.
What is your message?
We have found out some facts about the environment – and we keep on repeating it with some different lines… we try to get it out in the press, to get people to open up their eyes towards the environment and what happens out there… at least to gain conscience about it.
Olivier Rieu and me in front of one of their pictures:
If you are in Paris, you should definitely go visit the exhibition at:
18, rue de l´hotel de ville
Metro 1: Saint Paul
Free entrance!