New Mariage Frères tea out now !

What’s better than enjoying a fresh ice tea when the summer heat turns on? Mariages Freres has just released some new and super refreshing ice teas. Discover them here.
The Hawaii:kawaii ice tea gives you associations to paradise like Hawaii with fresh waves and exotic flavors. The first Hawaii-kawaii ice tea is a green tea with red hibiscus flowers and pineapple flavor. But not just any pineapple…a real pineapple from Hawaii that can not be found in France.
The other one is a red rooibos tea with a light flavor of caramel and vanilla, although it is only the aromas that give that impression. Both of them are super delightful and refreshing. I was personally big fan.
…also of the new “Happy tea” which was fantastic..Not just because of the name, but because of the soft, delicate taste of vanilla and caramel with natural aromas. Very nice.
Don´t miss out on the yellow “Hawaii:Kawaii” cake with a wonderful taste of pineapple, a heart of aloe vera, red hibiscus flowers and a bunch of crisp almonds. Incredibly fresh and easy in consistency. A fantastic summer cake. I loved it.
Not to forget the Madeleines filled with tea. One of organic green Matcha tea from Japan and of yuzu.
And the other one of Happy Tea with a taste of marshmallow and rose.
Both extremely good and for those who love Matcha tea I have great news: this is not just added flavor but the real Matcha tea and lots of it. Sure you will love it.
In the new collection you´ll also find the “Bastille day” tea, released for 14 July. This one was personally my favorite! The blue one was soft, with a light taste of ginger…completely irresistible.
Find them at Mariage Freres at rue cler in the 7th of Paris.